Permaculture Design Certificate – Terres de l’Ebre 2022

Permaculture (permanent agriculture) was a term coined in the 1970s by Bill Mollison and David Holgrem to facilitate the design and creation of ecosystems based on nature but focused on providing food, fiber and energy to modern humans. Many years have passed since then and permaculture has evolved a lot, from institutes, universities and permaculture courses like this one to projects, communities and resilient and aware human groups.

We have created this III Terres de l'Ebre Permaculture Design Certificate, bringing together more than 40 years of Permaculture, to continue training and giving opportunities to all people who wish to join this wonderful movement, giving them tools and knowledge with which they can design, initiate and live their own permaculture projects.

There will be more than 80 hours in 5 training meetings, a whole convivial experience of how to design and create sustainable and conscious environments at a human, ecological and economic level to undertake projects with a holistic and respectful vision, based on the ethics of permaculture, in our heart and in the heart of Nature.

We are back to ourselves, back to humanity, back to union with nature.

If you feel the call, we are waiting for you!


5 weekends, with theory, practice, projects visits and grupal designs

More details in the pages in catalan and spanish.

Organizers / teachers

Oriol Ferrando, permacultor diplomado por la Permaculture British Association y promotor del proyecto Permacultura Activa

Oriol Comellas Jodar: Enginyer agrònom, pagès, professor col·laborador de l’Escola de Capacitació Agrària d’Amposta i permacultor. Ha participat ja a 3 CDP’s organitzat amb l’ECAA des del 2019

Luis Gil

Permacultor diplomante amb la Acadèmia de Permacultura Ibera i promotor del projecte Simada

Cecile Thevenot, permacultora i promotora del projecte Permacultura Penyaflor.